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Pay my bill at smart skin dermatology

We understand that managing your healthcare expenses is important, and we're here to make the payment process as convenient as possible. Below, you'll find a variety of payment options designed to fit your needs. We're committed to working with you to ensure you can access the care you deserve.

Table of Contents

    Ways to Pay 

    • Online Quick Pay

      Link to online pay. 
      This option is displayed on mailed statements. Enter some information to ensure its matched to the correct account. 

    • Mail a Check

         Mail to:
      Smart Skin Dermatology
      3200 West Clubhouse Drive Suite 100
      Lehi, UT 84043-4325 

      Include the bottom portion of mailed statement. You can also include a note to our staff with your name and date of birth if you are unsure.

    • Call our billing company


      This number will appear on mailed statements. Calling this number is best when you have questions regarding your bill and claim. 

    • Call Us


      Our receptionists can take your credit card information over the phone. This option is great for payments. If you have issues with your bill we recommend contacting our billing company. 

    • Text to Pay Reminders

      These payment requests are texted out every two weeks to any patient with a balance for the first four months following a charge. You can click on the payment link. It will automatically be linked to your account and bill. 

    • Text Us


      Text our number and request a payment link. Our staff can send a secure pay by text through our HIPAA secure text messaging.

    • Patient portal

      Apple App Store
      Google Play Store
      Website Version

      Your online medical record and health information is made available to you through this app. Click "Billing" to start payment process.  

    • In Person

      Smart Skin Dermatology
      3200 West Clubhouse Drive Suite 100
      Lehi, UT 84043-4325 

      Please feel free to stop by our office and pay in person during open hours. This option is great for patients who prefer cash transactions.

    How do you recieve your bill?

    By Mail

    Sent Monthly

    • Claim Information: 
      Includes all the claim processing details, including how much your insurance paid & adjusted off.
    • Billing Phone Number:
      We employ a 3rd party medical billing company for more advanced questions about claims. You can always call our regular number as well.
    • Pay by Mail:
      Gives you the option to pay by mailed check. 
    how to read your patient statement bill

    By Text

    Sent Every 2 Weeks (for 4 months)

    • Less Info:
      This streamlined approach lacks details of your claim.
    • Fast: 
      Quick and easy payment to avoid hassle. Sent by regular text message.
    • Chat With Us:
      Responding to this text message goes to our front desk where we can answer questions. 
    klara text to pay

    By Patient Portal

    App Based - Requires Notifications

    • See Details:
      You have quick links to view statements along with other medical record details.
    • Pay a Portion: 
      The easiest way to chip away at your bill is payment through this portal.
    • Find in App Store:
      Search APPatient in your app store. The app developer is Modernizing Medicine. 
    patient app bill pay

    How to read your statement

    Hover over the magnifying glasses to learn details on each field. 

    Call Billing

    The phone number of our 3rd party billing company. Best for questions and concerns. You may also call our main number 385-273-3376

    Statement Date

    The date this statement was generated. Your account balance as of this day is reflected. Note* Any payments made after this date won't be reflected in the balance. 

    Account Number

    This is your medical record number (MRN). An identifying number unique to each patient. 

    Patient Info

    Your information address in our system and verified by your insurance. 

    Remit Address

    Where to send a check and "Remit". This is only if you are paying by check. A remit is the small part of the 2nd page under the dotted lines that you cut off and send with your payment check. 

    Invoice Number

    The invoice number for your bill. This number is one of the options required on the online quick pay webpage. 

    Service Date

    The date of service is when you were seen by your health care provider. 


    The CPT code billed to your insurance and the definition of that code. This is the service you are being billed for. 


    The amount billed to your insurance for the service listed. Please note* This amount will always be higher than what you end up paying.

    Claim Processing Date

    This is the date your insurance processed the medical claim. On this date is when it becomes "patient responsibility".

    Insurance benefits

    Your insurance, primary vs secondary payer status, and the amount that goes towards your deductible. 

    Ins Payment

    The amount that your insurance has paid on your behalf. 

    Ins Adjustment

    The amount that your insurance has "written off" or adjusted off of the charge amount. This amount is called a contractual adjustment.  

    Patient Balance

    The final amount of that medical service that is the patient's responsibility to pay. 

    Patient Balance

    The total amount due. This amount is the patient's responsibility to pay. 

    AR Window

    How many days "past due" you are on this bill. Each progressive window gets a little more serious. What happens at each window varies clinic to clinic. 


    Any accounts a that are in the 120+ window are in danger of being taken to collections. We strongly advise contacting the clinic immediately to avoid collections. 

    Online pay

    On mailed statements, this is typically a QR code that takes you to the online quick pay webpage. 

    Insurance Medical Billing

    To learn more about how medical billing works,

    Payment Plans & Medical Collections policies

    • ssd-monogram-porcelain-rgb-900px-w-72ppi

      Payment plans

      We want to work with patients however we can! We help set up payment plans with patients regardless of amounts. We do not like taking patients to collections and will try our best to avoid that.  

    • ssd-monogram-porcelain-rgb-900px-w-72ppi

      Call to set up payment plans

      We can only set up payment plans over the phone or in-person. We do not have any online or virtual resources for payment plans. If you are interested in setting up a monthly payment plan please call our office. 

    • ssd-monogram-porcelain-rgb-900px-w-72ppi

      Payment due period

      The AR window of 1-60 days is considered the payment due period at Smart Skin Dermatology. This is the period of time when we expect all patients to pay their bill. We do not have any restrictions during this period. 

    • ssd-monogram-porcelain-rgb-900px-w-72ppi

      Pre-collections period

      If a patient has carried a balance for 120 to 180 days, they are in "pre-collections". Patients will likely receive a pre-collection notice during this period. We try and provide two phone calls in addition to other collection efforts during this period, warning of collections. 

      Patients who are in pre-collections are required to make some form of payment towards their bill to schedule additional appointments. 

    • ssd-monogram-porcelain-rgb-900px-w-72ppi

      Medical collections

      For any patient carrying a balance for over 180 days, we will move towards sending to collections. We work with a 3rd party collections agency. If we have sent your balance to collections, then all communication must go through the collection agency. Your balance with us will be $0. 

      Patients who have been taken to collections will be unable to schedule appointments with our clinic until the collections amount has been paid and we are notified. 

      If you have been taken to collections, you may contact Bonneville collections here. 

    3 Convenient Ways to Book

    Schedule an
    Appointment Online

    Our Office

    Call to Book
    Your Appointment

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