Freeze Away Stubborn Fat: Your Guide to CoolSculpting®

Sculpt Your Dream Silhouette, Effortlessly

Wish you could ditch those stubborn pockets of fat without breaking a sweat? Enter CoolSculpting®, a revolutionary non-surgical treatment that freezes away unwanted fat for a slimmer, smoother you. Imagine targeting those areas resistant to diet and exercise – love handles, belly pooch, thighs – simply by chilling out! Witness the CoolSculpting® magic and embrace your sculpted dream body.

Schedule a Consultation


MD Consult

$ 100 [Does not go towards treatment]
  • Ideal for:
  • Patients wanting the best of the best
  • Complicated, advanced, or non-responsive cases
  • Patients who simply prefer a doctor
  • CO2 resurfacing, liposuction, surgical alternatives
  • Not Ideal for
  • Weight loss injections, derm clean ups, facials

Cosmetic Consults

What's Included:
  • 30 minute (double length) visit
  • Baseline "before" photos
  • Advanced Trueskin Age® analysis
  • Goal setting & history intake
  • Evaluation and treatment plan
  • Pricing & education

Nurse Consult

$ 0 [Credit card on file required]
  • Ideal for:
  • Patients who prioritize price
  • Weight loss injections, derm clean ups, facials
  • Accessibility
  • Not Ideal for:
  • Patients who simply prefer a doctor
  • CO2 resurfacing, liposuction, surgical alternatives

Coolsculpting: The Smart Skin Difference

Smart Skin Dermatology elevates your CoolSculpting® experience to new heights. Our Board-certified Dermatologist and Advanced Practice Providers meticulously personalize each treatment, selecting the ideal applicators and tailoring settings to achieve optimal results for your unique body concerns. Here's why we're your perfect CoolSculpting® partner:

We offer both Liposuction and CoolSculpting®

Don’t seek out fat removal from a clinic or spa that does not offer both options. Both have their advantages and disadvantages. We won’t overpromise on either. We care about finding the right treatment for you!

Comprehensive Technologies

We have access to a full range of treatment options. We have solutions for all needs and won’t be subject to recommending something just because that’s what we have, like most practices.

Dermatologists are Skin Specialists

We know everything there is to know about skin. This allows us to go beyond what can be achieved at a spa or plastic surgeon’s office to give you the best recommendations for your goals.

We know the tricks

No two bodies are alike. Our staff has literally performed thousands of CoolSculpting® treatments. We have pushed the bounds of CoolSculpting® and know all the tricks to meet even the most unique fat distributions.

Patients for Life Transparency

We want patients for life, not for one round of treatment. This means we won’t sell you on hopes and dreams. Seeking out cosmetic intervention is hard enough without the car salesman approach. We promise to provide options to meet you where you are at and retain you for life. 

Coolsculpting: Cut through the marketing noise

  • How does it work?
    CoolSculpting® uses controlled cooling to freeze and destroy fat cells without harming surrounding tissues. The frozen fat cells are then naturally eliminated by your body over time. This process is called cryolipolosis
  • Is it painful?
    Most describe the sensation as a cold tingling during the initial minutes, followed by a feeling of numbness. To put it in perspective, we find many patients taking naps through the treatment.
  • How long does it last?
    The treatment itself takes about 30-60 minutes per area, and results appear gradually over 3-4 months. Fat cells are permanently removed in this process and will not grow back.
  • Is CoolSculpting® the same as liposuction?
    They both attempt to do the same thing but there are differences. We love them both. See the comparison below for more info.
  • Will the fat cells grow back?
    This is a common misconception. Fat cells are developed throughout adolescence and you don’t grow more regardless of weight. They grow and shrink throughout life. When removed they will not come back.
  • Does fat “move” to another body area after treatment?
    Another common misconception. If your weight remains relatively the same, no. If you gain weight after any fat removal treatment, your body has to put that somewhere. Some patients may gain a new “trouble area” with weight gain because we have taken away its ability to store it where it used to.
Woman in leggings and bra

Coolsculpting Treatment Areas

Chin "Double Chin"

Upper Abdomen

Lower Abdomen


Outer Thighs “Saddle Bags”
Upper Arms "Bat Wings"
Male Breast Reduction "Gynecomastia"

Upper Flanks "Bra Fat"
Lower Flanks "Love Handles"
Inner Thighs

CoolSculpting® Targets

Subcutaneous fat

This is the only target. The soft squishy “pinch an inch” type of fat just under the skin. CoolSculpting® cannot target and decrease adipose fat which is internal and coats your internal organs.

CoolSculpting® Aftercare

Avoid strenuous activity for the first 24 hours.

Wear loose-fitting clothing for a few days after the treatment.

Maintain a healthy diet and exercise routine for optimal results.

Woman's bent bare legs

Similar Treatments on the Market

  • Liposuction.
    The main difference is the reliability and number of treatments.  Both aim to reduce subcutaneous adipose. Liposuction is more of a sure bet. We know that the fat has been removed. CoolSculpting® absolutely works but its efficacy varies patient to patient making some patients require more treatments to achieve similar end results. When it comes to price there is a range.  We have seen patients save money compared to liposuction and spend much more than liposuction. We typically advise patients that the price will be roughly the same.
  • Non-invasive “Hot Sculpting” Devices.
    There are many names out there. This is because CoolSculpting® holds an ironclad patent on cryolipolosis. When CoolSculpting® became popular, everyone set out to make a competing product. The result is multiple devices from various companies. In our opinion, they do not come remotely close to CoolSculpting®. This is because of the science behind “fat melting”. It is more temperamental and the slightest inconsistency will result in poor results. We typically say, in our experience, 9 out of 10 patients will get the results they want with CoolSculpting®. That number is closer to 5 out of 10 with heat based therapy. We don't offer this treatment for that reason.
  • Kybella®
    Very similar application and results. Kybella® can provide better skin tightening effects and “tucking” below the chin, while Coolsculpting® is a little better at larger under chin fat debulking which minimizes cost. Kybella® is only a better option when treating under the chin.
  • Semaglutide Weight loss injections.
    Semaglutide is the hottest thing in aesthetic medicine right now. Coolsculpting® does not alter your weight. If you are a size 10 going into treatment, you will be a size 10 after. The difference is that you will love everything about your size 10 body more. If your goal is to go from a size 10 to a size 6 then that is weight loss and semaglutide is your best option alongside the classic “diet and exercise" regimen.

Possible Side Effects:

  • Mild redness, swelling, or bruising
  • Tingling or numbness in the treated area
  • Temporary tenderness or soreness
  • Rare: paradoxical adipose hyperplasia

Embrace Your Sculpted Self with Smart Skin Dermatology

Smart Skin Dermatology is your trusted partner in achieving your body sculpting goals. Schedule a cosmetic consultation today and discover the transformative power of CoolSculpting®. Remember, your dream body is within reach, and we're here to guide you every step of the way towards achieving it. Let's sculpt your confidence, one frozen fat cell at a time!

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