CO2 Laser Skin Resurfacing Treatments in Lehi, Utah

Age is just a number. At Smart Skin Dermatology, we believe your skin deserves to tell a different story. Our CO2 laser is your key to unlocking a timeless canvas, offering four transformative techniques to suit your unique journey.

What is CO2 Laser Skin Resurfacing?

CO2 Laser Resurfacing

This "gold standard" of anti-aging gently removes the top layer, sparking a vibrant renewal from within.

Ideal for:

  • Those yearning for a dramatic transformation – erasing years with every gentle pulse.
  • Individuals burdened by sun damage or hyperpigmentation, dreaming of a radiant comeback.
  • Patients with acne scars seeking a smooth, blemish-free story to tell.
  • Anyone who craves a comprehensive rewrite of their skin's narrative.

Schedule a consultation:


MD Consult

$ 100 [Does not go towards treatment]
  • Ideal for:
  • Patients wanting the best of the best
  • Complicated, advanced, or non-responsive cases
  • Patients who simply prefer a doctor
  • CO2 resurfacing, liposuction, surgical alternatives
  • Not Ideal for
  • Weight loss injections, derm clean ups, facials

Cosmetic Consults

What's Included:
  • 30 minute (double length) visit
  • Baseline "before" photos
  • Advanced Trueskin Age® analysis
  • Goal setting & history intake
  • Evaluation and treatment plan
  • Pricing & education

Nurse Consult

$ 0 [Credit card on file required]
  • Ideal for:
  • Patients who prioritize price
  • Weight loss injections, derm clean ups, facials
  • Accessibility
  • Not Ideal for:
  • Patients who simply prefer a doctor
  • CO2 resurfacing, liposuction, surgical alternatives

co2 laser Treatment types


CO2 Full Face Laser Resurfacing

CO2 Full Face Laser Resurfacing

Best and most significant results. This laser treatment requires 1-2 weeks off of work to allow for recovery. Take 5-10 years off your appearance. 


CO2 Light Laser Resurfacing

CO2 Light Laser Resurfacing

We lower the settings and remove our deep collagen setting. This surface resurfacing treatment removes the dedicated downtime. Great for those who want to avoid time off. 


CO2 Small Area Laser Resurfacing

CO2 Small Area Laser Resurfacing

Same as our full option, but for target problem areas only. This laser treatment option requires 1 week off of work to allow for recovery. Great for acne scarring on the cheeks and similar localized concerns. 


CO2 Spot Laser Removal

CO2 Spot Laser Removal

Less anti-aging, more precise removal. Specialized settings aim to remove specific lesions or erase scars.

Co2 laser types: How it works

CO2 "Full"

CO2 Full face laser resurfacing

Facial aging processes and skin changes illustration.

Aging occurs with time & environmental factors

This includes collagen loss, pigmentation, sun damage, fine lines, wrinkles, scarring, acne scarring, etc.

Facial aging processes and skin changes illustration.
Microneedle skin treatment process diagram illustrated in stages.

Two laser settings: Deep & Superficial

Laser aggressively targets water, vaporizing it in precise columns. This fractionated patter leaves portion of skin untreated minimizing downtime and promoting healing. Thin columns penetrate deep, while broad columns resurface only the top most layer of skin.

Microneedle skin treatment process diagram illustrated in stages.
Grass aeration process with upward and downward arrows.

The Treatment Explained

The precise columns remodel and resurface the skin. This is similar to aerating your lawn. The small plugs removed from the lawn allows for nutrient uptake and promotes new growth. The result is a healthier more uniform lawn.

Grass aeration process with upward and downward arrows.
Face diagram showing skincare and treatment process.

Collagen formation & tightening

The thinner columns penetrate into the deep dermis skin layer. Settings are chosen to reach the depth of collagen and elastin. The textural improvements come from this setting. Skin tightening and smoothening of the skin.

Face diagram showing skincare and treatment process.
Illustration of skin layers and acne causes.

Beautiful baby skin

broader columns only penetrate and remove the top layer of skin. This precise removal allows for undamaged baby skin to replace this layer during healing. This removes years of skin damage.

Illustration of skin layers and acne causes.
CO2 "Small"

CO2 Small area laser resurfacing

Facial aging processes and skin changes illustration.

Aging occurs with time & environmental factors

Problem areas of damaged skin may be more prominent only in localized areas of the face. This is most common for acne scars and fine lines, but could also include collagen loss, pigmentation, sun damage, wrinkles, scarring, etc.

Facial aging processes and skin changes illustration.
Microneedle skin treatment process diagram illustrated in stages.

Two laser settings: Deep & Superficial

Laser aggressively targets water, vaporizing it in precise columns. This fractionated patter leaves portion of skin untreated minimizing downtime and promoting healing. Thin columns penetrate deep, while broad columns resurface only the top most layer of skin.

Microneedle skin treatment process diagram illustrated in stages.
Grass aeration process with upward and downward arrows.

The Treatment Explained

The precise columns remodel and resurface the skin. This is similar to aerating your lawn. The small plugs removed from the lawn allows for nutrient uptake and promotes new growth. The result is a healthier more uniform lawn.

Grass aeration process with upward and downward arrows.
Face diagram showing skincare and treatment process.

Collagen formation & tightening

The thinner columns penetrate into the deep dermis skin layer. Settings are chosen to reach the depth of collagen and elastin. The textural improvements come from this setting. Skin tightening and smoothening of the skin.

Face diagram showing skincare and treatment process.
Illustration of skin layers and acne causes.

Beautiful baby skin

broader columns only penetrate and remove the top layer of skin. This precise removal allows for undamaged baby skin to replace this layer during healing. This removes years of skin damage.

Illustration of skin layers and acne causes.
CO2 "Light"

CO2 light laser resurfacing

Illustrations of skin aging process and factors

Aging occurs with time & environmental factors

Problem areas of damaged skin may be more prominent only in localized areas of the face. For some, the resulting age related damage is less severe and is primarily pigmentary discoloration and superficial fine lines. Broadly, this is referred to as skin "tone".

Illustrations of skin aging process and factors
Geothermal drilling process diagram and speedometer graphic.

The best resurfacing, only lighter

A significantly "lighter" setting is used and only for the superficial laser setting. This same fractionated patter leaves portion of skin untreated promoting healing. Downtime is further minimized with the settings chosen for our "light" treatment option.

Geothermal drilling process diagram and speedometer graphic.
Figure walking, arrows switch to running

The treatment explained

CO2 light vs. CO2 full is similar to walking vs. running. The same muscles are used and the same general intention or result is achieved by both. The difference is in intensity. Significant anti aging results are like number of calories burned.

Figure walking, arrows switch to running
Grass aeration process with upward and downward arrows.

The Treatment Explained

The precise columns remodel and resurface the skin. This is similar to aerating your lawn. The small plugs removed from the lawn allows for nutrient uptake and promotes new growth. The result is a healthier more uniform lawn.

Grass aeration process with upward and downward arrows.
Skin rejuvenation process illustration with layers and cycle

Repeat until results are obtained

Sun damage and surface level texture, like fine lines, will improve with each treatment. This light version is typically done in series. The number of treatments depends on the level of damage to start with and the desired end result of the patient.

Skin rejuvenation process illustration with layers and cycle
CO2 "Spot"

CO2 spot laser resurfacing

Illustration showing facial structure and skin aging process.

Growths & scars appear with time, genetics, and injury

The type of growths, the source, and the applications are endless in this category. If there is something on the skin that you don't want there anymore or less apparent. This CO2 variation aims to expertly remove.

Note: Removals intended for insurance billing do not utilize. This higher level treatment is above and beyond and thus near 0% historical  insurance coverage.

Illustration showing facial structure and skin aging process.
Oil extraction illustration with equipment and layers

Precise laser removal by ablation

Laser aggressively targets water vaporizing in the individual skin cells. Settings tend to be to be more aggressive and contained within smaller treatment area or "wound". This method has the lowest % scar probability rate for benign removals.

Oil extraction illustration with equipment and layers
Grass aeration process with upward and downward arrows.

The Treatment Explained

The precise columns remodel and resurface the skin. This is similar to aerating your lawn. The small plugs removed from the lawn allows for nutrient uptake and promotes new growth. The result is a healthier more uniform lawn.

Grass aeration process with upward and downward arrows.
Iron and dry cleaner shop illustration

The treatment explained

The science remains the same as is the case for all CO2 laser types. This removal method is easily explained. We like you, love our washing machines, and irons for cleaning & caring for our clothes. There will always a stubborn stain or  garment type that needs a dry cleaner.

Iron and dry cleaner shop illustration

CO2 Full face laser resurfacing

Facial aging processes and skin changes illustration.

Aging occurs with time & environmental factors

This includes collagen loss, pigmentation, sun damage, fine lines, wrinkles, scarring, acne scarring, etc.

Facial aging processes and skin changes illustration.
Microneedle skin treatment process diagram illustrated in stages.

Two laser settings: Deep & Superficial

Laser aggressively targets water, vaporizing it in precise columns. This fractionated patter leaves portion of skin untreated minimizing downtime and promoting healing. Thin columns penetrate deep, while broad columns resurface only the top most layer of skin.

Microneedle skin treatment process diagram illustrated in stages.
Grass aeration process with upward and downward arrows.

The Treatment Explained

The precise columns remodel and resurface the skin. This is similar to aerating your lawn. The small plugs removed from the lawn allows for nutrient uptake and promotes new growth. The result is a healthier more uniform lawn.

Grass aeration process with upward and downward arrows.
Face diagram showing skincare and treatment process.

Collagen formation & tightening

The thinner columns penetrate into the deep dermis skin layer. Settings are chosen to reach the depth of collagen and elastin. The textural improvements come from this setting. Skin tightening and smoothening of the skin.

Face diagram showing skincare and treatment process.
Illustration of skin layers and acne causes.

Beautiful baby skin

broader columns only penetrate and remove the top layer of skin. This precise removal allows for undamaged baby skin to replace this layer during healing. This removes years of skin damage.

Illustration of skin layers and acne causes.

CO2 Small area laser resurfacing

Facial aging processes and skin changes illustration.

Aging occurs with time & environmental factors

Problem areas of damaged skin may be more prominent only in localized areas of the face. This is most common for acne scars and fine lines, but could also include collagen loss, pigmentation, sun damage, wrinkles, scarring, etc.

Facial aging processes and skin changes illustration.
Microneedle skin treatment process diagram illustrated in stages.

Two laser settings: Deep & Superficial

Laser aggressively targets water, vaporizing it in precise columns. This fractionated patter leaves portion of skin untreated minimizing downtime and promoting healing. Thin columns penetrate deep, while broad columns resurface only the top most layer of skin.

Microneedle skin treatment process diagram illustrated in stages.
Grass aeration process with upward and downward arrows.

The Treatment Explained

The precise columns remodel and resurface the skin. This is similar to aerating your lawn. The small plugs removed from the lawn allows for nutrient uptake and promotes new growth. The result is a healthier more uniform lawn.

Grass aeration process with upward and downward arrows.
Face diagram showing skincare and treatment process.

Collagen formation & tightening

The thinner columns penetrate into the deep dermis skin layer. Settings are chosen to reach the depth of collagen and elastin. The textural improvements come from this setting. Skin tightening and smoothening of the skin.

Face diagram showing skincare and treatment process.
Illustration of skin layers and acne causes.

Beautiful baby skin

broader columns only penetrate and remove the top layer of skin. This precise removal allows for undamaged baby skin to replace this layer during healing. This removes years of skin damage.

Illustration of skin layers and acne causes.

CO2 light laser resurfacing

Illustrations of skin aging process and factors

Aging occurs with time & environmental factors

Problem areas of damaged skin may be more prominent only in localized areas of the face. For some, the resulting age related damage is less severe and is primarily pigmentary discoloration and superficial fine lines. Broadly, this is referred to as skin "tone".

Illustrations of skin aging process and factors
Geothermal drilling process diagram and speedometer graphic.

The best resurfacing, only lighter

A significantly "lighter" setting is used and only for the superficial laser setting. This same fractionated patter leaves portion of skin untreated promoting healing. Downtime is further minimized with the settings chosen for our "light" treatment option.

Geothermal drilling process diagram and speedometer graphic.
Figure walking, arrows switch to running

The treatment explained

CO2 light vs. CO2 full is similar to walking vs. running. The same muscles are used and the same general intention or result is achieved by both. The difference is in intensity. Significant anti aging results are like number of calories burned.

Figure walking, arrows switch to running
Grass aeration process with upward and downward arrows.

The Treatment Explained

The precise columns remodel and resurface the skin. This is similar to aerating your lawn. The small plugs removed from the lawn allows for nutrient uptake and promotes new growth. The result is a healthier more uniform lawn.

Grass aeration process with upward and downward arrows.
Skin rejuvenation process illustration with layers and cycle

Repeat until results are obtained

Sun damage and surface level texture, like fine lines, will improve with each treatment. This light version is typically done in series. The number of treatments depends on the level of damage to start with and the desired end result of the patient.

Skin rejuvenation process illustration with layers and cycle

CO2 spot laser resurfacing

Illustration showing facial structure and skin aging process.

Growths & scars appear with time, genetics, and injury

The type of growths, the source, and the applications are endless in this category. If there is something on the skin that you don't want there anymore or less apparent. This CO2 variation aims to expertly remove.

Note: Removals intended for insurance billing do not utilize. This higher level treatment is above and beyond and thus near 0% historical  insurance coverage.

Illustration showing facial structure and skin aging process.
Oil extraction illustration with equipment and layers

Precise laser removal by ablation

Laser aggressively targets water vaporizing in the individual skin cells. Settings tend to be to be more aggressive and contained within smaller treatment area or "wound". This method has the lowest % scar probability rate for benign removals.

Oil extraction illustration with equipment and layers
Grass aeration process with upward and downward arrows.

The Treatment Explained

The precise columns remodel and resurface the skin. This is similar to aerating your lawn. The small plugs removed from the lawn allows for nutrient uptake and promotes new growth. The result is a healthier more uniform lawn.

Grass aeration process with upward and downward arrows.
Iron and dry cleaner shop illustration

The treatment explained

The science remains the same as is the case for all CO2 laser types. This removal method is easily explained. We like you, love our washing machines, and irons for cleaning & caring for our clothes. There will always a stubborn stain or  garment type that needs a dry cleaner.

Iron and dry cleaner shop illustration

co2 laser Treatment Areas

CO2 "Full"
  • Full Face
    As the name implies, this is the most common treatment area. We will lightly feather the treatment out under the chin.

  • Full Face & Neck
    A common addition to any full-face treatment.

  • Full Face, Neck & Chest
    This is the ultimate treatment for sun-damaged skin. This treatment is a favorite for our dress-wearing patients out there. 
CO2 "Small"
  • Cheeks
    • Upper boundary: top of cheekbone where the undereye begins.
    • Lower boundary: Can vary a little, but typically where dimples would be on the average person. 
    • Medial boundary: Nose
    • Lateral boundary: Can vary a little, but typically between the sideburns and ears. 

  • Forehead
    • Upper boundary: Hairline.
    • Lower boundary: eyebrows. Treatment will include the glabella. 
    • Lateral boundary: Temples

  • Around Mouth
    • Upper boundary: Nostrils.
    • Lower boundary: Central chin at jawline.
    • Lateral boundary: Can vary a little, but typically where dimples would be on the average person.
    • Medial boundary: Nose.

  • Around Eyes
    • Upper boundary: Eyebrow.
    • Lower boundary: Top of cheekbone.
    • Lateral boundary: The sideburn area covering the typical "crow's feet".
    • Eyelids are also treated with internal eye shields placed to protect vision. 
CO2 "Light"
  • Full Face
    As the name implies, this is the most common treatment area. We will lightly feather the treatment out under the chin.

  • Neck
    A common addition to any full-face treatment or as a stand-alone. This extends from the Jawline to the base of the shoulders and collar bones.

  • Chest
    The chest displays age easily. A common place to forget sunscreen yet always seemingly exposed. This treatment extends from the collar bones to the mid-sternum. 

  • Hand & Forearms
    This is our favorite treatment for solar damage on the arms. You will be surprised by the unbelievable difference this area can make. 
CO2 "Spot"

We can treat nearly anywhere. Body location does not dictate price*. Like a gameshow, this treatment treats "as many as we can get before time runs out".

"Spots by time" is a 15-minute scheduled appointment with 8 minutes of active laser firing time.

*Note: laser removal of genital lesions carries a surcharge and requires a custom quote. 

Who is an ideal candidate for CO2 Laser?

CO2 Laser Treatment targets

CO2 "Full"


While not covered by insurance, the CO2 laser is far and above the most efficient way of wiping away pre-cancerous actinic damage. Approve your appearance and stop potential skin cancer from forming. 

Wrinkle Correction

Wrinkle Correction

Collagen formation is stoked by the deep settings of the CO2 laser. This new collagen will help lighten the appearance of wrinkles. Deep static wrinkles will still be present after treatment but appear softer. 

Brown Pigmentation

Brown Pigmentation

Various types of brown pigmentation may occur on the skin. The most common are solar lentigo or "freckles". This laser aims to remove brown pigmentation and leave the skin with a more even tone. 

Fine Lines

Fine Lines

The superficial resurfacing will target surface level textural concerns. The most notable of which are fine lines. The skin will take on a smooth appearance after healing. 

Skin Tightening

Skin Tightening

Skin tightening occurs by targeting collagen formation. If you were to look under a microscope, the skin has a more robust appearance returning to what it used to be. It can be described as heathy & firm. 

Acne Scarring

Acne Scarring

Acne scars are among the hardest things to treat in cosmetic medicine. The CO2 laser is hands down the best treatment available for acne scarring. This will improve all types of acne scars including box car, ice pick, rolling, and hypertrophic acne scars. 

Benign Skin Growths

Benign Skin Growths

The Resurfacing capabilities of the CO2 laser will take care of any benign growths that happen to be within the treatment area. Most notably, the CO2 is great at taking care of sebaceous hyperplasia (oil glands), and seborrheic keratoses (wisdom spots).

Surgical & Traumatic Scars

Surgical & Traumatic Scars

Remodeling various types of scars can be a life-changing experience. Whether the scar is a result of a traumatic injury or a past surgery, this laser is the best option available. 

CO2 "Small"


The CO2 laser can effectively treat pre-cancerous actinic damage.  When patients require "field treatment" for actinic keratoses, A CO2 small treatment could switch out fluorouracil topical treatment

Wrinkle Correction

Wrinkle Correction

CO2 laser treatments stimulate collagen production by reaching deep into the skin's layers. This increased collagen helps reduce the appearance of wrinkles. While deep static wrinkles may still be visible after treatment, they will appear smoother and less noticeable.

Brown Pigmentation

Brown Pigmentation

Uneven skin tone can be caused by different types of brown pigmentation, such as solar lentigines, commonly known as "age spots" or "liver spots." This laser treatment targets and reduces these brown spots, promoting a more uniform complexion.

Fine Lines

Fine Lines

The superficial setting resurfaces the top layer of the skin, addressing superficial textural irregularities. Fine lines, in particular, are effectively diminished. Post-treatment, the skin will have a noticeably smoother and more refined texture.

Skin Tightening

Skin Tightening

Skin tightening occurs by targeting collagen formation. If you were to look under a microscope, the skin has a more robust appearance returning to what it used to be. It can be described as heathy & firm. 

Acne Scarring

Acne Scarring

The CO2 Small is perfect for acne scars on the cheeks or similar portion of the face. Acne scars pose a significant challenge in cosmetic dermatology. However, CO2 laser treatments are considered the gold standard for addressing acne scarring. 

Benign Skin Growths

Benign Skin Growths

In addition to its resurfacing benefits, the CO2 laser effectively removes benign skin growths within the treatment area. It is particularly successful in treating sebaceous hyperplasia (enlarged oil glands) and seborrheic keratoses (often called "age spots" or "wisdom spots").

Surgical & Traumatic Scars

Surgical & Traumatic Scars

Scars, whether from injury or surgery, can significantly impact self-confidence. CO2 laser scar revision offers a transformative solution. This powerful treatment effectively remodels various scar types, improving their appearance and restoring smoother, healthier-looking skin.

CO2 "Light"
Brown Pigmentation

Brown Pigmentation

Hyperpigmentation, including common brown spots like solar lentigines, can create an uneven skin tone. The CO2 "Light" laser effectively targets and reduces these areas of excess pigment, revealing a brighter, more uniform complexion.

Fine Lines

Fine Lines

CO2 Light provides superficial resurfacing, effectively addressing skin texture concerns. It minimizes the appearance of fine lines and other imperfections. The light version cannot reach deeper wrinkles, but the superficial texture will steadily improve. 



Although not covered by insurance, CO2 laser treatment offers the most effective method for eliminating precancerous actinic keratoses. The CO2 "Light" is the most popular type for proactively reducing the risk of developing skin cancer.

CO2 "Spot"
Benign Skin Growths

Benign Skin Growths

CO2 "Spot" is best for removing skin growths. While other adaptations of the CO2 Laser will also remove them as an added benefit, the "Spot" version was created for this purpose alone.

Surgical & Traumatic Scars

Surgical & Traumatic Scars

For optimal scar revision, we utilize either CO2 "spot" treatment or CO2 "small" treatment, depending on the size and number of scars. This targeted approach effectively remodels scar tissue, minimizing their appearance and promoting smoother, healthier-looking skin.

CO2 Laser Pricing & Aftercare

Visit Layout / Scheduling

Choosing a date:

  • Decide on a time of year to have treatment. Considerations below.
  • 7-10 days off from work required
  • 2 week strict sun avoidance
  • 1-month limited sun exposure with strict sun protection when outside.
  • 4 weeks prior to any important events.
  • You will need an escort to and from your appointment.


  • Contact office at 385-273-3376 and request to speak with the COSMETIC NURSE
  • Provide a date range you are hoping for (see considerations above)
  • The cosmetic nurse will schedule you.


  • $500 is required to book an appointment
  • The remaining balance is due at the Pre-Op Visit

Visit Layout:

  • Pre-op visit. 30-minute visit. Typically 2 weeks (12-18 days) before treatment date.
  • Treatment Day. 4-hour scheduled slot.
  • Post-Op Visit. 30-minute visit. Typically 3-6 days after treatment day.
Pre-op Visit
  • Baseline photos will be taken. Please come without makeup and jewelry.
  • Medications will be prescribed at this visit.
  • You will receive your numbing cream at this visit.
  • You will receive your Dysport treatment at this visit.
  • We review treatment expectations, prep, and aftercare at this visit.
Leading up to treatment

2 weeks before treatment:

  • Arrange an escort: This person will be assuming responsibility for you and cannot be a bus, taxi, or Uber/Lyft. It’s also helpful to have someone stay with you and assist you for the first night if possible.
  • Stop skin irritants 2 weeks before: Examples: Retin-A, retinol, glycolic acid, salicylic acid, Vitamin C, etc.
  • Fill prescriptions: Prescriptions will be given at your pre-op visit. Fill these prescriptions before treatment day and pick up Vaniply Ointment.
  • Sun Exposure: Try your best to avoid sun exposure as much as reasonably possible.

Day Before treatment:

  • Start taking your antiviral (typically valacyclovir) & antibiotic as instructed by your physician.
  • Prepare home: Older sheets, pillowcases, and bedding on the bed.
  • Prepare vinegar soaks (see vinegar water soaks)

The morning of treatment:

  • Eat a light meal.
  • Have hair washed, without product, and pulled back from the face. Wash face with gentle cleanser.

1 hour before treatment:

  • If prescribed, take recommended sedatives, as instructed by your physician.
    • For all other medications, take as instructed by your physician.
  • Apply numbing cream.
Aftercare - Cleansing
  • Washing will be done 3-4 times daily. (breakfast, lunch, dinner, and before bed)
  • Adjust water to lukewarm, do not use any hot water during the healing process.
  • Wash hands thoroughly.
  • Put approximately 4-5 pumps of Gentle Cleanser onto your fingertips, and lightly pat the entire treated area. (NO RUBBING OR SCRUBBING)
  • Lean over the sink gather the water from the running tap into your cupped hands and apply gently to treated areas. Repeat 4-5 times.
  • Some ointment may remain, or you may feel some “grease”. This is okay.
  • Gently press a clean towel to the treated areas and slowly remove.
  • You may shower the days following your procedure, but be sure not to allow water to directly hit treated
    areas. No hot showers for 2 weeks. Baths are not recommended for 2 weeks.
  • If you typically shave your face, avoid shaving with a blade for 3 weeks. An electric shaver may be used after 2 weeks.
Aftercare - Vinegar Soaks
  • What you will need:
    • Distilled Water 1 Gallon
    • Plain White Vinegar
    • Clean spray bottle
    •  Clean bottle/bowl with lid for storage.
  • Mix 1 Cup white vinegar with 1 gallon distilled water.
  • Pour into Spray bottle
  • Store the spray bottle/bowl and remaining mixture (if any) in the fridge.

View full instructions here.

aftercare - what to expect


  • EXPECT oozing and bleeding immediately after the treatment.
  • EXPECT treated skin will appear to have a pattern of laser marks.
  • EXPECT your skin will to be very swollen. This will go down over 48 hours.

Do not:

  • DO NOT scratch, pick, or scrape the treatment area. Wear cotton gloves while sleeping if necessary.
  • DO NOT let the treatment area dry out (this will lead to scabbing and could lead to scarring).
  • DO NOT expose the healing area to the sun. Strict zero sun exposure for 2 weeks.

Watch for: 

  • WATCH FOR increased redness (some is to be expected).
  • WATCH FOR increased pain.
  • WATCH FOR increased heat.
  • WATCH FOR thick yellow drainage from the wound (clear, light oozing is completely normal and expected).
  • WATCH FOR elevated body temperature.
Post - first 24 hours
  • Apply Vaniply Ointment every 30 to 60 minutes. Do not allow the skin to dry out.
  • Use eye drops as necessary, Clear eyes/Refreshed tears are preferred. (ointment can melt into the eye area and cause irritation)
  • Cleanse before bed with Gentle Cleanser. (see wash instructions)
  • Get up every 2-3 hours during the 2 first nights to reapply ointment.
Post - Days 2-8
  • Cleanse with Gentle Cleanser 3-4 times a day. (see wash instructions)
  • Use a Vinegar Wash spray bottle to gently mist the face. allow to sit for 2-4 minutes, pat dry. (store in fridge)
  • Immediately after the vinegar wash, apply a thick layer of Vaniply Ointment.
  • Continue to apply Vaniply Ointment 2-3 times as needed until the next face wash.

Further instructions will be provided at your post-op visit.

CO2 laser skin treatment details by Smart Skin Dermatology.
Visit Layout / Scheduling

Choosing a date:

  • Decide on a time of year to have treatment. Considerations below.
  • 7-10 days off from work required
  • 2 week strict sun avoidance
  • 1-month limited sun exposure with strict sun protection when outside.
  • 4 weeks prior to any important events.
  • You will need an escort to and from your appointment.


  • Contact office at 385-273-3376 and request to speak with the COSMETIC NURSE
  • Provide a date range you are hoping for (see considerations above)
  • The cosmetic nurse will schedule you.


  • $500 is required to book an appointment
  • The remaining balance is due at the Pre-Op Visit

Visit Layout:

  • Pre-op visit. 30-minute visit. Typically 2 weeks (12-18 days) before treatment date.
    • Provider may opt to
      do all pre-op items at initial consultation dependant on multiple factors.
  • Treatment Day. 4-hour scheduled slot.
  • Post-Op Visit. 30-minute visit. Typically 3-6 days after treatment day.
Pre-op Visit
  • Baseline photos will be taken. Please come without makeup and jewelry.
  • Medications will be prescribed at this visit.
  • You will receive your numbing cream at this visit.
  • We review treatment expectations, prep, and aftercare at this visit.
Leading up to treatment

2 weeks before treatment:

  • Arrange an escort: This person will be assuming responsibility for you and cannot be a bus, taxi, or Uber/Lyft. It’s also helpful to have someone stay with you and assist you for the first night if possible.
  • Stop skin irritants 2 weeks before: Examples: Retin-A, retinol, glycolic acid, salicylic acid, Vitamin C, etc.
  • Fill prescriptions: Prescriptions will be given at your pre-op visit. Fill these prescriptions before treatment day and pick up Vaniply Ointment.
  • Sun Exposure: Try your best to avoid sun exposure as much as reasonably possible.

Day Before treatment:

  • Start taking your antiviral (typically valacyclovir) & antibiotic as instructed by your physician.
  • Prepare home: Older sheets, pillowcases, and bedding on the bed.
  • Prepare vinegar soaks (see vinegar water soaks)

The morning of treatment:

  • Eat a light meal.
  • Have hair washed, without product, and pulled back from the face. Wash face with gentle cleanser.

1 hour before treatment:

  • If prescribed, take recommended sedatives, as instructed by your physician.
    • For all other medications, take as instructed by your physician.
  • Apply numbing cream.
Aftercare - Cleansing
  • Washing will be done 3-4 times daily. (breakfast, lunch, dinner, and before bed)
  • Adjust water to lukewarm, do not use any hot water during the healing process.
  • Wash hands thoroughly.
  • Put approximately 4-5 pumps of Gentle Cleanser onto your fingertips, and lightly pat the entire treated area. (NO RUBBING OR SCRUBBING)
  • Lean over the sink gather the water from the running tap into your cupped hands and apply gently to treated areas. Repeat 4-5 times.
  • Some ointment may remain, or you may feel some “grease”. This is okay.
  • Gently press a clean towel to the treated areas and slowly remove.
  • You may shower the days following your procedure, but be sure not to allow water to directly hit treated
    areas. No hot showers for 2 weeks. Baths are not recommended for 2 weeks.
  • If you typically shave your face, avoid shaving with a blade for 3 weeks. An electric shaver may be used after 2 weeks.
Aftercare - Vinegar Soaks
  • What you will need:
    • Distilled Water 1 Gallon
    • Plain White Vinegar
    • Clean spray bottle
    •  Clean bottle/bowl with lid for storage.
  • Mix 1 Cup white vinegar with 1 gallon distilled water.
  • Pour into Spray bottle
  • Store the spray bottle/bowl and remaining mixture (if any) in the fridge.

View full instructions here.

aftercare - what to expect


  • EXPECT oozing and bleeding immediately after the treatment.
  • EXPECT treated skin will appear to have a pattern of laser marks.
  • EXPECT your skin will to be very swollen. This will go down over 48 hours.

Do not:

  • DO NOT scratch, pick, or scrape the treatment area. Wear cotton gloves while sleeping if necessary.
  • DO NOT let the treatment area dry out (this will lead to scabbing and could lead to scarring).
  • DO NOT expose the healing area to the sun. Strict zero sun exposure for 2 weeks.

Watch for: 

  • WATCH FOR increased redness (some is to be expected).
  • WATCH FOR increased pain.
  • WATCH FOR increased heat.
  • WATCH FOR thick yellow drainage from the wound (clear, light oozing is completely normal and expected).
  • WATCH FOR elevated body temperature.
Post - first 24 hours
  • Apply Vaniply Ointment every 30 to 60 minutes. Do not allow the skin to dry out.
  • Use eye drops as necessary, Clear eyes/Refreshed tears are preferred. (ointment can melt into the eye area and cause irritation)
  • Cleanse before bed with Gentle Cleanser. (see wash instructions)
  • Get up every 2-3 hours during the 2 first nights to reapply ointment.
Post - Days 2-8
  • Cleanse with Gentle Cleanser 3-4 times a day. (see wash instructions)
  • Use a Vinegar Wash spray bottle to gently mist the face. allow to sit for 2-4 minutes, pat dry. (store in fridge)
  • Immediately after the vinegar wash, apply a thick layer of Vaniply Ointment.
  • Continue to apply Vaniply Ointment 2-3 times as needed until the next face wash.

Further instructions will be provided at your post-op visit.

CO2 laser treatment details and pricing guide.
Leading up to treatment
  • Sun Avoidance: This is important leading up to your treatment. We cannot treat patients who have an active sunburn or have too much recent sun exposure.

  • Numbing Cream: A good layer of numbing cream should be applied to the treatment area 60-90 minutes prior to treatment.

  • Valtrex: Let us know if you have a history of cold sores. Patients should be on a preventative five-day course of anti-viral medication that starts the day before your treatment to avoid a cold sore break out.

  • Bleaching Cream: Many patients will be prescribed some form of a bleaching regimen prior to their laser treatment. Use as directed by your provider leading up to appointment.

  • Post Procedure: Skin will be red and feel very hot, much like a bad sunburn. Wet wash cloths or ice packs will be provided directly after procedure to help with the burning sensation. Heat fades over 2 - 24 hours.

  • Day 1: Skin will be very dry. Moisturizing and icing are key. An ointment moisturizer is best during the first few days. Ice in 15 minute on, 15 minute off, intervals over the first 24 hours will help with redness and heat.

  • Day 2-3: Expect all dark spots on your face to grow darker in appearance. Some slight redness and swelling can persist into this time (continued icing will help). Continue moisturizing with ointment based moisturizer.

  • Day 4-5: Your brown spots can develop a “coffee grounds” appearance and texture, this is normal. Do not scrub or pick at them, as they will fall off naturally. A powder based foundation is preferred during this time, if makeup is worn, due to the textural appearance of skin. Transition to a gentle cream based moisturizer.

  • Day 6-7: Most brown spots will have faded by this time. Any remaining brown spots will continue to slough off. Some very light & gentle exfoliation with a damp wash cloth can now help, but DO NOT PICK.

  • General Aftercare: Avoid exposure to the sun for 1 week.Avoid any irritants or bleaching agents for 2 weeks after your treatment. Any discomfort you may have (usually not lasting more than a few hours, if any) can be relieved with acetaminophen (Tylenol) or ibuprofen.

CO2 light laser facial treatment pricing chart.
  • The overall goal of caring for these spots will be to avoid any crusting or scabbing. Crusting and scabbing can lead to delayed and suboptimal healing.

  • Moisturize with ointment. A layer of ointment should be on treated areas at all times until they have healed.

  • Examples include Vaseline, Aquaphor, and Vaniply Ointment. Do not allow areas to dry out.

  • Cover Areas if Possible. Band-Aids can also help keep the area moist and clean. A layer of ointment should be covered with a Band-Aid when possible. If there are too many spots or the size makes covering difficult, then ointment should be applied at more frequent intervals.

  • A gentle cleanser may be used to wash area while bathing but avoid any rubbing or scrubbing. Pat dry.

  • Vinegar Water Soaks. These will help break up any crusting that may be forming and also kill harmful bacteria. They can be performed anywhere from 2-4 times a day. See instructions below.

  • Makeup. It is recommended to wait until spots have healed over before applying base or foundation makeup directly over the spots. Makeup can be applied around spots while healing.

  • Transition to regular facial moisturizer once treated spots have healed over and are no longer able to crust or scab.

Leading up to treatment
  • Mix 1 tablespoon white vinegar with 1 quart water. Can store in fridge between uses.

  • Soak a cotton cloth or guaze in the solution.

  • Wring out cloth and apply to area for roughly 15 mnutes.

  • Never double dip cloth into mixed solution.

    • Repeat 2-4 times per day.

Click here for the complete vinegar water soak instructions.

CO2 spot laser treatment for scars and lesions.
Smiling, beautiful woman peeking through fingers and laughing

Similar treatments on the market:

Full-Face Resurfacing:

  • Fraxel or Frax lasers. Also known as erbium thulium lasers.  They are typically called the “CO2’s little brother”. They are great devices and offer great results but typically they require 6 treatments or more to accomplish what a full face CO2 can offer. 
  • Deep chemical peels such as a phenol peel. These have mostly been phased out. They offer results that are almost identical to a CO2 laser, however they have a much higher-risk profile and are more prone to complications and scarring. 
  • Microneedling. This would be a small step down from the Fraxel laser treatment mentioned above. When addressing acne scars, it is a great complement to a CO2 treatment. 
  • Facelift. These are two entirely different treatments that are commonly mixed up. A facelift lifts the face. A CO2 treatment produces more collagen and improves the tone, texture, and/or pigmentation of the skin.  As you can see, they do different things.  A facelift without a CO2 laser will leave the person with the same quality of skin they had going in with no improvement to tone, texture, or pigmentation. 

Spot Treatment:

  • Cautery. For the burning off or removal of stubborn lesions. This is a good alternative but is not nearly as precise.
  • Cryotherapy. Freezing of lesions is very effective for their removal, however we typically view this as a medical dermatology procedure and never a cosmetic one. With cryotherapy the patient will almost end up with a small hypopigmented scar in its place. In cosmetic dermatology we want to avoid a scar all together.

CO2 Laser Possible Side Effects:

  • Redness & swelling
  • Discomfort or burning sensation
  • Crusting
  • Dryness & itching
  • (rare) infection, hyperpigmentation, hypopigmentation, scarring and corneal injury

Why choose us for your CO2 Laser treatment

Dr David Smart photo in office
  • ssd-monogram-sapphire-rgb-900px-w-72ppi

    Expectations & downtime

    More dramatic and yes, best results come with downtime. This is the trade-off we balance every day in aesthetic medicine. We will take the time to give you the truth and find the right treatment for YOU.

  • ssd-monogram-sapphire-rgb-900px-w-72ppi

    No one does CO2 like we do

    CO2 results range from good to, “Wow, I look 10 years younger!” We prefer the latter. We have developed a protocol that includes pre-treatment neurotoxin and post-treatment skincare to get you the best results possible. This protocol took 5 years and hundreds of patients to create.

  • ssd-monogram-sapphire-rgb-900px-w-72ppi

    Dermatologists are the best

    We know everything there is to know about skin. This allows us to go beyond what can be achieved at a spa or plastic surgeon’s office, to give you the best recommendations to meet your goals.

  • ssd-monogram-sapphire-rgb-900px-w-72ppi


    We want patients for life, not for one round of treatment. This means we won’t sell you on hopes and dreams. Seeking out cosmetic intervention is hard enough without the car salesman approach.

  • ssd-monogram-sapphire-rgb-900px-w-72ppi

    Comprehensive technologies

    We want patients for life, not for one round of treatment. This means we won’t sell you on hopes and dreams. Seeking out cosmetic intervention is hard enough without the car salesman approach.

CO2 Laser Scheduling options

New Patients or Existing Medical New to Cosmetics

Schedule a Consult

For new patients or existing medical patients. To discuss CO2 laser treatment and other cosmetic topics.

Returning Cosmetic Patients

Schedule a Treament

If you have had a consult in the past or have had this treatment before. 

Not sure?

Call or text us! Our cosmetic nurses are standing by and ready to answer your questions.


Full-face resurfacing requires a minimum of 7-10 days of healing. We typically recommend patients take 10 to 14 days away from work or other activities while healing.

3 Convenient Ways to Book

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